Lead Subscription Interface

When configured, the Lead Subscription interface is accessible with the BankingBridge Subscription button added to the lead page layout. Clicking this button navigates you to the BB_LeadSubscription.page which uses both the standard Lead controller and the custom BB_LeadSubscriptionController.class.


Lead Subscription Page

The Lead Subscription page provides quick access to inputs that are used within the trigger logic to submit POST requests to the BankingBridge API subscription endpoint.

The page has the following pieces of logic in place:

  1. If the API Key is not configured, an error message is shown with instructions to enter the API Key and no inputs are available.The warning message shown when API Key is not configured.

  2. If the lead has a Subscription ID already retrieved from the BankingBridge API, the ID will be displayed and a link to the dashboard will be shown. Page layout when a Subscription ID is available.

  3. If there is an API Key input and the Lead has no Subscription ID, all inputs are available for entry.

The following fields are required to save the Lead and send data to the BankingBridge API subscription endpoint:

  • Email
  • NMLS or LOID
  • Property Value
  • Credit Score
  • Property Zipcode

These required values are enforced both within the UI components and the Apex controller behind the page.

Once all the inputs are entered on the page, the Save to BankingBridge API button saves the data points to the lead, which causes the trigger to submit a POST request to the BankingBridge API subscription endpoint.


To learn more, read Lead Subscription POST.