Tracked Events
The following events are tracked by default by the BankingBridge Embed:
Lead Workflow
- lead_workflow_loaded
- local_storage_blocked
- lead_workflow_started
- progress_twentyFivePercent
- progress_fiftyPercent
- progress_seventyFivePercent
- lead_workflow_completed
- pricing_empty
- pricing_shown
- lead_captured
- apply_now_clicked
- fees_click
- validation_initiated
- lead_capture_error
- validation_submitted
- validation_success
- validation_error
Rate Table
- rate_table_loaded
- update_button_clicked
- next_button_clicked
- workflow_button_clicked
- lead_captured
- subscribe_switch_clicked
- apply_now_clicked
- loan_summary_pdf
Contact Form
- contact_form_loaded
- lead_captured
Rate Dashboard
- dashboard_first_visit
- dashboard_pageview
- dashboard_update
- unsubscribed
- stale_unsubscribed
- deleted
- reactivated
- email_bounced
- rate_alert_email_sent
- rate_alert_email_open
- rate_alert_email_clicked
- intro_email_sent
- intro_email_opened
- intro_email_clicked
- unsubscribe_link_clicked
- unsubscribe_param_passed
- apply_now_clicked
- loan_summary_pdf
- dashboard_contact
- lead_status_unsubscribe
- api_unsubscribe
- chat_loaded
- chat_opened
SMS Text
- dashboard_link_clicked
- calendar_link_clicked
- application_link_clicked
- summary_sent
- scheduled_call
- followup_sent
- calendar_confirmed
Listening for Events
In addition to sending events to Google Analytics and GTM, the Embed emits events to the parent page.
Example of adding Event Listener in the parent page:
document.addEventListener('bbEvent', (e) => {
if(e.detail && e.detail.action=="lead_captured"){
console.log("A " + e.detail.category + " lead was captured inside the Embed!")
Updated 5 months ago